Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What made me become a photographer, you ask?

I have always loved photography.  I am fascinated by the ability to capture a single moment in time and freeze it to remember forever.  I am able to recall insignificant details in my life... like where I was "exactly" when I heard a certain song, or what page in a book I saw something on.  Sometimes it can be annoying, but I've learned to just accept my quirkiness, and roll with the punches.  I've found that this inability to focus on MAJOR things has helped me in my photography skills.  Instead of focusing on just the subject- I find other things to bring into the photos.  For example, while in Las Vegas, I took a series of VERY interesting shots.  I focused on the Tropicana sign, but instead of making that the only focus- an ambulance drove past- lights flashing.  Plus, all the other lights going everywhere really made for a great "A.D.D." moment.  There is soooooo much going on in the photo, but at the same time, you are able to focus on individual things.  I loved it. 
I have always wanted to do some sort of modeling- however I am very flawed physically.  I am blind in my left eye, which causes me to have a lazy eye.  I have had 2 major surgeries to correct it, however it still seems to be a pretty big problem in my life.  I never feel comfortable looking people directly in the eyes, because it makes THEM uncomfortable.  Therefore, having my picture taken is a pretty nerve-wracking time for me.  I have found that I can still be involved in the whole process, if I can hide myself behind the lens.  Plus, I have found that by being acutely aware of my own physical flaws, I am able to help other people "hide" theirs.  A lot of the photos I have done are for people who are a larger size.  They have always wanted to feel beautiful and sexy, but they hate having their picture taken (I'm in the same boat).  I am able to find positions for them that are flattering, paying special attention to what they DO feel good about themselves over.  If they like their face, I will pay special attention to bringing the focus there.  It is important that we all feel beautiful at some point in our lives!  And when would be a better opportunity to feel that way than when you are able to capture that moment and freeze it forever??  I love photography!!!