Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baby's First Birthday

I remember when my oldest son had his first birthday.  I remember the stress of trying to make it "just right", of having a bunch of people there to celebrate, and to have all the right events take place.  I became so wrapped up in the event itself that I didn't take time to sit back and enjoy the whole process.  I missed out on taking some great photos of him ripping apart his Teletubbies cake, of family and friends watching, and of certain "moments".  I was going through some photos in the garage the other day, and came across some of the photos I did take.  Embarassing!! Nothing good, nothing important.  I wish I had taken time to enjoy the day!  It only comes once in a lifetime. 
That's why I was glad when my good friend, Jodie asked me to take "smash the cake" photos on her son's first birthday.  Jodie got to sit there and watch her son enjoy his first cake (with LOTS of chocolate), and laugh along with him while he was eating it.  It was so sweet to see the interaction with her and Brody, knowing that she was literally savoring every second that she was watching. 
All the pictures that we took turned out so adorable... I just knew that I needed to do a "strip" of photos for her to see the progression of messy face.  I love how Brody's face shows the look of complete joy... after all, who wouldn't be totally excited over eating their very own chocolate cake?!!
When it is your baby's first birthday, consider using a professional photographer (or even just a friend) to take the photos for you.  You will be able to enjoy yourself, and remember certain events much more vividly.  You'll kick yourself for spending

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